designing a home for pets and kidsdesigning a home for pets and kids

About Me

designing a home for pets and kids

I have four kids and three dogs that make keeping my home nice very challenging. I have worked hard over the years to find flooring, wall finishes, furniture, and decor that can hold up well to the things that my kids and dogs can put everything though. If you have kids and/or pets that make keeping your home looking nice difficult, visit my blog. There, you will find some tips to decorating your home in a way that makes it look very nice, but durable enough to remain in great condition while your kids and pets live their lives in it.

Want To Hire An Interior Designer? 4 Tips For Hiring The Right Professional

When you look at your furniture and decorations, you may know that you want to make changes to improve the appearance of your home and make it fit better with your stylistic preferences. But, you may not feel confident enough to make major changes throughout your home. Hiring an interior designer will solve this problem because they can consider your wants and needs and then go through everything in the house to determine what needs to be changed. Read More 

Three Reasons To Hire An Interior Designer

Homeowners may be skeptical about hiring interior designers. Many people simply think they know what is best for their home and they know how to achieve the right style. But, there is nothing wrong with letting an interior designer help create your dream home. In reality, interior designers aren't just great for homeowners who don't know what they want their homestyle to be. Interior designers are even more perfect for people who know exactly how they want their home to look. Read More